Your Tax Dollars at Work

County Road 189 Paving Project

By The Holmes County Engineer | June 19, 2018 |

Here is a description of the project.

County Road 51 Paving Project

By The Holmes County Engineer | June 19, 2018 |

Here is a description of the project.

Budget Breakdown

Actual Revenue of Engineer's Office by Category

Drive Permits  0.38%

Inspection Fees 0.28%

Fema 0.15%

County General Fund 0.63%

Reimbursements 2.41%

Permissive License Tax 3.02%

Other Receipts 3.51%

Fines 0.93%

Gasoline Tax 52.13%

License Tax 34.86%

Actual Expenses of Engineer's Office by Category

Land and Buildings 8.93%

Labor Overhead 8.58%

Labor 30.57%

Indirect Overhead  0.34%

Fuel 3.26%

Contract Projects 3.85%

Garage Operations 3.48%

Equipment 15.86%

Materials 25.13%


7191 State Route 39
P.O. Box 29
Millersburg, Ohio 44654


(330) 674-1856

After Hours/Emergency
(330) 674-1936


(330) 674-7918

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